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Study Missions

To supplement our own experiences in helping clients on their continuous improvement journey, we arrange bench marking study missions for groups of clients. We have taken groups to Japan on several occasions and we’€™ve brought groups to the US to see both world-class operations and a welcoming community with resources to help them establish a business base here.

During these tours, participants will travel with a group of like-minded learners and our staff of lean systems guides who will lead the group through up to 10 state-of-the-art facilities, hearing from those who make these facilities work more and more effectively and learning the underlying contributors to their success.

As the group travels together, exploring these different organizations, sharing their experiences, they’€™ll create a lasting learning network to support future efforts.

The tour sites will include a variety of industries, from automotive manufacturing and assembly, to thermoplastics, to aluminum casting and machining, to logistics and distribution centers. Depending on the participants, we could also include world class medical treatment facilities , chemical and pharmaceutical operations.

Learning objectives include the following principles:

  • Lean production systems
  • Learning organizations
  • Floor daily management systems
  • Flow
  • 5S /Standardized work
  • Visual management and control systems
  • Pull systems
  • Just-in-Time systems
  • On-the-job training and development
  • Leadership
  • Team structures
  • Jidoka management
  • Cellular operations
  • Problem solving

The different perspectives offered through the variety of host companies we visit really promotes different thinking for how the participant’€™s organization can benefit. We reinforce that with specific reflection and sharing of observations after each visit and consolidating feedback to share with the other participants as well as the host companies.


  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Agricultural
  • Consumer products
  • Defense
  • Electronics
  • Food processing and packaging
  • Heavy equipment
  • Marine
  • Medical devices
  • Metal forming and stamping
  • Petrochemicals
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Plastics
  • Textiles and apparel
  • Wood and construction products